Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Published and dedicated to Ayn van Dyk with thanks to Ron Unruh for his insight and words expressed here with such understanding, empathy and love. 

Justice is a garment woven from billions of threads knit together into a strong and integrated fabric. Love is the thread and it has produced a fabric of integrity. Injustice occurs when countless numbers of these threads are pulled from the garment. The wearer of the garment is uncovered and vulnerable.

The work of justice is to mend the rips and tears of injustice that have occurred in the fabric of a society and its governance. The repair consists of the replacement of frayed threads, so the work must begin with love.

The thoughts for my literary fragment above were inspired by THE JUSTICE CONFERENCE that uses the motto ‘Love is a Thread’. 

Ayn Van Dyk’s release from government care into the waiting arms of her father Derek Hoare is at the very least the requisite solution to a human rights issue.
When due consideration is given to the child’s autism rather than a father’s negligence, to a medical condition which accounts for her nomadic excursion to a neighbour’s yard, then the shredding and slashing of justice is readily apparent. When a child is missing for three hours and found near to the family home, then the taking of that child from her family by a protection agency calls into question the policy, the interpretation and practices of that agency.

Very soon following Ayn’s brief trip, protection social workers appeared with a voluntary release form for Derek to sign. That was met by his anxious and incensed refusal. Four days later, unannounced, this government agency removed Ayn from her public school classroom. Ayn’s justice garment was in tatters as was Derek’s and his sons’, and the extended family’s garments.

Love covered Ayn at home in the prettiest material designed specially for her. Now only love’s thread can mend the rips and tears of her adornment. Almost 4000 people are members of Ayn's Facebook page, called 'Help Bring Little Autistic Girl Back to Daddy," and many are actively involved in lobbying for her release. Our comments are shared all day long. Here we weave our voice and our gifts into the project of Ayn’s protection so she can wear her garment of justice with its irreplaceable threads. It will be the right thing for the Ministry of Children and Family Development to put Ayn back in her family home without further delay or conditions.

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